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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 04/05/13

Friday, 5 April 2013

Life is about making choices. What is yours?

The choices we have in life from a career and income perspective is usually pretty much lob-sided towards one path.

 For most of us, after getting some formal education, we go out to find a job, and as most jobs will be from 9-5, the routine will be pergi pagi, balik petang, cukup bulan bayar hutang. In all honesty, it gets a little dull after a while, and how many of us are truly satisfied with our routine 9-5 jobs? Over and above that, in most cases, the income is really not as great as we would like it to be. 

Bukan semua orang boleh dapat kerja best-best, gempak-gempak n dapat pangkat tinggi-tinggi. Kalau ye pun, bila dapat kerja macam tu, masa terlalu sibuk dengan kerja berbanding perkara-perkara yang lebih penting. As at the end of the day, we all want to earn a decent income, but at the same time have time and be able to enjoy life with family & friends, and be able to do the things which make us happy, be it charity work or a hobby.

 So, what other choices do we have? Well, the usual other options is to start a business or a franchise. Tapi tu biasanya memerlukan modal yang besar. Sehingga beratus-ratus ribu diperlukan. Yes, for those fortunate enough to have the capital, definitely it a good avenue to pursue. 

The other choice is to start building up a team in network marketing. Modal yang diperlukan tidak sebesar dan adalah flexible, dan peluang pendapatan tetap lumayan. The next question you need to ask yourself is which network marketing should I join? You should find one which is established, one which is proven; as then you get stability in the long-run.  The next factor you should consider is to join a group which has a strong support system. This is important as a strong support system will help you persevere for the long-run. Sebenarnye la, whichever career and income path you choose, it will require hard work & dedication; and insyaAllah the rewards will be great. 

So if you want a change from a normal 9-5 job, want to earn extra income to meet your dreams, if you are a jobless graduate that would like to build a different career path from the norm, contact me to join TLC.

 CALL/WHATSAPP :0173143499

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