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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 12/07/11

Wednesday, 7 December 2011

PB and exercising is the way...

Pagi tadi gi TLS...sebab ada 3 days free I joined the Wombat dance..which is really good to relieve my stress...terasa macam tere lak karate and boxing heheeh..but seriously I have not done any exercising since my uni years..and I can almost guarantee that I will feel the pain tomorrow...:-) Wish me luck..

Owh by the way, I exercise wearing PB people..everything is "at its place"..*grin* Feels great.

Think I am joining the centre..bile rasa nak exercise boleh gi je..anytime of the day..Good deal sbb dia ada freeze akaun meaning kalau for that month you takleh gi kol in advance and u just pay 20% of which is only RM20++.. Any feedback is welcome.