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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 10/27/11

Thursday, 27 October 2011

Satifisfied customers

YEAYYY!!!.. receive a text from a customer this morning:

Amalia:  "Akak, saya dah lose 2kg and wearing my nipper on the 2nd hook.."

What a great feeling!!, she only wears PB for three weeks!! I LIKE!! and so happy for her.  Keep it up and keep me posted..Nanti I nak mintak gambar before and after laks..

Another fren of mine is ALSO wearing PB and she lost 2kg in a month.  She lost inches..though.. Now in addition to wearing PB she also consumes LACTOLITE.. we'll see her progress and will take details..

great2 news...AM LOVING IT!!


Had a great day this week..Finally meet friends yg dah almost 15 years tak jumpe!! Some have changed (appearance) and some stay the same.. Antara yg sama, tak berubah..ME..(walaupun anak 3)

For some, they are lucky to have high metabolisme.. that can help them stay the same.  For me I thank PB for helping me manage my weight.  HOWEVER, thanks to my stress level yg sangat tinggi this month, and yes yesterday (makan byk tak ingat).. I have actually gained 2 kg. Nasib baik 2kg.. still in normal BMI.  I rasa without PB, I dah back to original weight of 63kg lama dah kot.  Now I wanna experiment diri sendiri for the second time whether I can shed off this 2kg.  So I will come back and update whether I have successfully reduce back to being 57kg.

Adios and wish me luck!!