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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 09/21/11

Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Fit into OLD JEANS!!

Old jeans means masa zaman anak dara dulu.. wuhooo..Haven't weigh myself for almost 2 weeks...The last time I was 56kg..Kurang 1 kg dari berat masa I kawen..Lucky I simpan that jeans..nothing special about the jeans cuma sbb dia warna putih and malas nak beli jeans warna putih yg lain...but now since it fits, I pakai..yeye.. nanti2 lah i put picture ok..

Conclusion, I am  loving my PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL!! I feel the confidence!! I feel happy!!

So call me if you wanna own one and experience it yourself!! -1 premiumbeautiful  2U

IRDA 0173143499

Bonus is in!! Hoorayy!!!

Received my FOUR figure BONUS last week JUST IN TIME for my first ever open house!! How great is that!! I didnt have the time to update my blog as I was busy moving out from my old home to my new home sweet home.  Tiring but definitely fulfilling.  Arghhh ... FINALLY our OWN new home.

From now on I will definitely update my blog everyday and also can concentrate doing my PHD but at the same time focus on getting my side income.. Who is with me??

Do contact me if you wanna get side income!!