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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 05/17/12

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Her experience...

MasyaAllah, it has been awhile since I updated my blog.  I have been so busy with my PhD... Yes I am currently pursuing my PhD in UPM and aiming ever so badly to finish it by end of this year.  So please pray for my success.

As I was busy doing my work, alhamdulillah.. my old friend shared her experience since wearing PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL. The first month of wearing, she keeps on farting :D. She had c-sections for all her kids, and according to her PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL has helped a lot on reducing her back pain.  However, she did not loose weight.  As expected, she did get a little bit upset, but I said that losing weight should not only be measured via weight scale, but also on inches. ..She continued on wearing and the following month she lost 2kgs!!...and keep on loosing ever since...

As such, please keep in mind that each individual person has different types of body fat. Stubborn fat may take a while.  Keep on wearing! The good thing about PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL is that you don't have recurring expenses..meaning, you do not have to pay monthly to maintain certain products (eg. food supplement or diet pills of which may costs more that the PB set itself). 

Ok..Enough writing, let the pictures do ALL the talking..
This is she..although she still needs to loose a few more, she has lost 6kgs thus far; lost 16cms in total (+3cm at bust, -5 at underbust, -5 at waist and -6 at butt), her skin is smoother, back pain is relieved..She couldn't be HAPPIER!!

She even experiment PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL on her husband (of course waist nipper only) and my oh my...he lost 2 kgs in a month. I have also asked for his photo.  We shall see!!

Because of this, she is now one of the agent for PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL.  She is located in Sabah.  If you are in Sabah area, still wondering, give her a call Mashilla -0138682196

And if you are in Semenanjung especially in UPM, SERDANG, Putrajaya, Cyberjaya and NILAI do call me for appointments - 0173143499..

or whatsapp or YM by any means..