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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 09/26/11

Monday, 26 September 2011

Open House


berkat rezeki yg dikurniakan, smalam buatlah open hse sempene raya, akikah and house warming...dapatlah jumpe sedara mara, kawan2 lama..BEST SGT..TP ya Rabbi....PENAT SGT!!  TQ for coming.

I guess sbb kitorang penat masuk rumah baru masih ada..hubby mcm dah nak demam kesian dia..ALL OUT..I byk break sbb BFEED..(huhu excuse) .  One way to look at it, dah berminggu2 kitorang EXERCISE..byk kuar peluh hehehe..

Looking forward to rest and lepaks in our new home..selama 2 minggu ni belum dpt rehat lama..chilling in front of tv..

Premium Beautiful can help you conceive!!

Peeps..yes..there are testimonials on those who waited for so many years finally conceived after few months wearing pb.   These are some I took from my business partner's testimonials.

"After 4 years waiting.She wear PB consistently and makan herba maharani..and walllaaaa..berjaya !!!!"

even my biz partner kak Adliza ni pun pernah miscarriage for 6 times..can u imagine SIX (6) times.but she never give up..she took maharani consistently .and Alhamdulillah she got healthy and cute lil Aishah..

And this morning when i read kak Mai's blog..i was stunt reading one of her customer conceived jgk after wearing PB

Kite usaha ni pun untuk dapat baby..yang memang sangat precious dkt dlm hidup kite.Tak rugi usaha utk dapat baby dgn PB ni...sbb Allah akan reward kite kalau kita letak extra effort.

Berkat doa and usaha yang betul...Insya Allah, dengan izin Allah, kite akan dikurniakan anak..

InsyaAllah..InsyaAllah..InsyaAllah, you'll find your way..(ala2 MaherZain)