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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 07/12/12

Thursday, 12 July 2012


Salam everyone,

I have been wanting to do Lasik surgery since I was with EY lagi, lama lah tuh almost 9-10 years ago.  Been postponing it sbb, back then the surgery sounded scary, sbb guna blade etc..and the price is not cheap either...

Alhamdulillah now that I can afford to do this surgery and given the fact that the technology is more advanced, bladeless lasik, dah tak takut dah.  So I went there last tuesday and went thru the 4 hours comprehensive pre-assessment test.  I learned alot that day.. When they scanned my eyes, my left eye was red.  They said that it could be because of my lens (I have been wearing contact lens for 17 years).  But it turned out that actually my left eye is undercorrected and since my left eye is my dominant eye, it has been forced to see.. That's why I have been experiencing some headache if I do a lot of reading and work in front of computer.  Optometrist mana la i pergi  ni haishhhh...

Well this is only my logic and common sense but to doctors that read this, please correct me if I am wrong.  :-)

Yesterday was MY LASIK surgery, NERVOUS? definitely.. but more of excited than nervous though. 

Am getting ready!! On that day, NO parfume, deodorant, make up or any face cream is allowed..I am so exposed eheh..:-p

Nervous me..but cant wait to get it over and done with.

Glimpse of what the machine looks like..There are two actually. 

And 15 minutes later..I AM DONE..So HAPPY only words can describe it.  Thanks PROF!!!

What do I feel right after??..I can see but not clearly..It's like I am in a fog.  After about 10 minutes later my eyes start to sting..but its bearable..macam potong bawang pedih dia.. after 20 mins of rest and few drops..I am good to go.  4 hours later, I can see clearly already.. Drops are given to give some moisture whenever I feel irritated.  

Today I am back at work!!

Alhamdulillah..I think I have made the right choice.. I am glad that I did it.  Like Prof Muhaya said, if I were to google about lasik there are a lot of negative things being said.. Why not just go to the right source and ask...!!  Many people are so skeptical and generally are complacent and hence hesitated to grab the opportunity to improve themselves.  I concur but at the same time I do understand that for some, its not because they do not want to do it but its because they dont have enough means to PAY for it.  I guess this statement applies to those who have means but are still skeptical and complacent.  AS SUCH,  I am glad I am not in that "many" category. :-)

Come to think of it, this can also apply for business.  Again I am glad I choose to improve my means, my SOURCE INCOME.  Alhamdulillah ya Rabbul 'Alamin.