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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 01/21/13

Monday, 21 January 2013

Be Brave!

What is it about me that you don't know?? I have told you that I USED to be SKEPTICAL!!
What else? For the year 2013, I opt to no longer be AFRAID.  I want to be BRAVE and BOLD.

I remembered, 11 years ago, I read my hubby's (back then boyfriend) personal or rather dream list, among which are in no particular order (I cant remember most of it)

  1. To have a house before 35
  2. To drive a turbo car/racing - (achieved soon after we got married)
  3. To donate to surau/masjid every week
  4. To go haji before 40
  5. To drive a ferrari and tour Europe (if I am not mistaken) after 40
  6. etc (couldnt remember, will look for that list when I got back) ;-)
My initial thought was "wah bagusnya!!" but then later "poyo gak budak ni"

But early this year, we were discussing about going to Haji next year (with God's will), he said that "alhamdulillah, if looking back to the list I have written, I have accomplished almost ALL of my wishlist.." (Remember we are only 33 years of age, #5 is is still far ahead and I can say it is POSSIBLE)

That triggers me..What have I achieved? and what is SAD about it is that, I dont have a LIST to compare it with!!

So I ponder.. what actually do I want in life? How do I define success? Yes I am happy, I am happily married, I am blessed with 3 kids and I have full time job..that's it?? Gile BORING!!

From this business I learn that I should have a dream..I was advised since long time ago to set your dreams, share with all so that you work for it..and I was too afraid..takut kang tak achieve org kata poyo (just like I said to my then boyfriend). Now I believe, that having a dream is SO MUCH BETTER THAN HAVING NONE!

I dont want to be that anymore. 

As such I am listing what I want to achieve :

  1. Finish my PhD at least draft stage
  2. Qualify Shanghai trip
  3. Earn stable 4 figures income if not 5.
  4. Help my mom sort out her issue (rather not share it here)
  5. Help others in need to improve their lifes - business partners (thru business) or random people (in form of donation)
  6. Pertambahkan ilmu, and amalan to secure place in Jannah.
 #5 & #6 is throughout my entire life in shaa Allah.

There.. I am brave to set my goals and share it here.  Achieve it or not is another story..but I have walked out of my comfort zone.

This is what I have learn...

AM I scared??? Heck YEAH!! but as the saying goes..



Take your time to ponder, what is your dream? Where do u see yourself in 10years.. Look at yourself 10 years ago? has it change much? Are you able to contribute much to society or you are just within you and your family...


If you need more financial and time freedom to allow yourself to contribute more to society..Call me and lets talk about your dreams too...

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