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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 03/15/13

Friday, 15 March 2013

There is more than just purifying food!


I am very certain that everybody knows the importance to purify our food - reduce the amount of fatty acids in our daily meat, chickens; remove chemicals and preservatives used for veges, seafood and fruits

More information about ozone and the importance of purifying

But ramai bile call tanya harga -


although not shown directly but perhaps dalam hati ada kot perasaan macam ni..eheheeh

But there is more to purifying food with BIOZONE FOOD PURIFIER..

1.  Sterilize baby bottles, kitchen utencils..

2. Sterilize your room, if there is any weird smell, me mostly when we change diapers for the little ones. 

3.Sterilize the fridge.  
Have you been in a situation where you were away and your electricity tripped.. and so happened you just restocked your food and you went away for more than 2-3 days..can you imagine the smell of your fridge or even your house??

Good news is, you can use the biozone food purifier to remove the odor, simply by putting the silicon tube in the fridge, leaving the door slightly open. Wallah the smell is gone. But you still need to clean it up of course, throw away rotten food.

but at least no mask is required.

4. Ozone shower 
 What you can do is basically put in the silicon tube which is attached with the ceramic stone into your bath tub filled with waterSet it at 45 minutes and your water is ozonated.

Some info on ozone:

Ozone effectively sterilizes, sanitizes and deodorizes all substance that comes in contact. Further, it enhances the vitality of cells, removes cuticles and smoothens skin. The disinfecting ability of ozone is 3000 times more germicidal than chlorine

Benefits of the ozone shower (info credit to Izyan):

Remove body odor
pH balance

Brush teeth
Kills bacteria and germs that cause bad breath and cavities

Facial wash 
Neutralize chemicals from our facial cleanser
Solve acne problems

Baby shower 
smoothen skins
avoid infections from germs  

5. Ozonated water(Drinking) (Adachi, K.)
highly beneficial for either healthy or sickly people
provide more oxygen to the brain (greater alertness and mental clarity) 

There you go!! There are more than just purifying food, this BIOZONE FOOD PURIFIER can I do think that its all so WORTH IT.. plus it comes with 1 year warranty. Say that you use it weekly, it only cost you like RM33.6 per week.  That's only 1 year, what if 2 years, RM16.83/week == RM2.40 per day. 3 years? 4 years?

Call/SMS/Whatsapp me : 0173143499 for the special offer!!!


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