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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 11/25/11

Friday, 25 November 2011


Last Saturday went to the Anugerah CDM, it was really an eye opener that anyone who is a nobody can be a somebody, making BIG bucks!! Truly INSPIRING..starting for just being a housewife can now be a millionaire, making 6 figures a month!!

Meeting them personally pun dah rasa seronok sgt..tak putus2 beri kata semangat and tips on how to become successful cam diorang..InsyaAllah my turn will be next...

K Liza and I
She made it to CDM in less than 2 years..Kudos to you K Liza...

CDM Salha and I (she looks so lovely and sweet that night)

With my business partnerzzz..

Hanis and I..(what a lovely dress she's wearing..from a famous designer that is.)

That night everybody looks elegant and lovely.  I feel that next time I plak kena dress up..heheh..sbb arituh I pakai je apa yg ada kat dlm almari...Next time I will wear a dress!!

Ada amik gambar the whole group tapi takde in my camera..will search for it and post it dalam ni..The group is big, different background but with the same GOAL.  Work in a team and you will never fail...

So kalu ada sesape yg teruja and terasa nak join do CALL and we'll meet up and I will let you know what the business has to offer!! Sangat senang tapi sangat memberuntungkan.

Owh how exciting and fun!!

PB now has a short bra

Hai-O has launched a new product- SHORT BRA.  It has the same function as the long bra, have FIR of course..

I have one and I LOVE IT!! Memang best.. Kekadang tu kalu malas nak pakai the whole set I pakai je the short bra.  Rupa nya sama macam bra biasa cuma dia bg nampak firm and up sket.  Takdelah menggelebah macam pakai bra biasa..Especially for those yg ada big assets la..*wink* For those yg small can bagi npk up gak..definitely!! Wuhoo..

The demand for it, honestly is like GORENG PISANG PANAS!!.sangat laku sgt hangat di pasaran.

Harga: RM480 (kecil)
           RM520 (besar)

Call/SMS/Whatsapp @ 0173143499 or email/YM~