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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 03/28/13

Thursday, 28 March 2013

Weight: Endless battle

It is admittedly that women usually struggles with weight.  I for one is included. I struggled when I gave birth for my third and managed to loose 6kg with the help of lactolite and premium beautiful. Alhamdulillah.

Then I started to use some birth controls..and I gained some not much was still fine.  Until I used Implanon, I gained like a lot. I blamed both implanon and my food intake..I ate a lot!

Being conscious as I always have been, tried to control it but I just couldnt.  Ok I might be able to if I EXERCISE. Tapi MALAS kot eheheh. Last week I weight myself and found out that I am 64.7kg.. Ok ok some might read.."ek eleh tak gemuk pun..." thats why I said being conscious as I always have been".  I hate the fact that I couldnt fit in my favourite jeans and now my PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL huhuhu...

Now that I have removed my implanon and since I am not buying a new set, so I decided to loose some a bit to fit in the long girdle (long girdle je pun yg tak muat, bukan tak muat la, muat tp you know if too tight tak selesa kan)

I need new ways to try..but of coz in a safe way.  I started to study on Bamboo Salt (Garam Buluh).  I know it has many benefits among which is detoxification. I PMed Master Garam Buluh (facebook) as to whether we can loose weight with it. He kindly gave me this..
Ok..Have some of the garam buluh premier drink at home for emergency, coz i know it helped my hubby bile agak2 dia sakit pinggang.. (batu karang) or kaki .  I figure why not to have it a go.. 

Started yesterday night.. Timbang pagi tadi,

My goodness!!

Let us see how it goes next week whether this could work.

I surely hope so too!!

Owh yes, for your info, Garam buluh has so many benefits.. but here are the gist of it.  Will write more of it in the next entry.

 (credit to Ieda Rani)

Number 7 I like...:)

Ok thats it for now, will update on my weight lost journey next week and see whether this method works.  

For those who wants to find out more about Garam Buluh, wait for the entry or better yet just call.

As for the price:

Garam Buluh Premier Drink - RM128
Garam Buluh Cooking Salt - RM53

Call/whatsapp for more info: 0173143499

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