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TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: 09/23/11

Friday, 23 September 2011


Alhamdulillah.. I thought I gained weight banyak as I ate like nobody's business this past few days.  It turns out that I only gain 1kg.  Its alright coz that's what I want anyway.  Being less that 56kg is not intentional, too skinny although it is my ideal weight according to BMI. Then again 57kg is not bad, still ideal..

One thing I also realize when wearing PB is that my constipation problem dah tak ada.  Kalu tak, 3-4 or kekadang 5 days pun belum tentu 'buang' sampai naik SEBU..pehtu definitely sakit huhu..
Skarang huih...hari2 or sekali dalam 2 kali, mesti...I guess thats how I maintain my weight la kot..

I am very happy with my body right now, less back pain at night.  I definitely feel healthier although need more apa lagi lets go swimming!! :-)

I feel confident now that I dont have lemak2 sampingan when I wear blouse, shirts and kebaya..

My cousin bought PB from me and this is her testimonial lepas seminggu memakainya;

Amy- Lang : Keputusan memakai korset stlh beberapa hari..-berak+angin je manjang..n warne bile bsh,gelap la jgk..i trase diriku spt sudah kurus sdikit..hehehe
So wanna feel like I feel??? Apa tunggu lagi?? OWN 1 PREMIUM BEAUTIFUL CORSET and YOU definitely WONT regret it...