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Marine Essence Beauty Bar

TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: Marine Essence Beauty Bar

Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Marine Essence Beauty Bar

I bought this beauty bar not really knowing of the benefits..Just knew that it contains bamboo salt, which i know provides essential minerals and antioxidants for the skin. I have sensitive skins, as such I do have to be very picky on what I use and I really wanted to give it a try

When I got home terus rasa nak mandi..Took it out from the box, even before I remove the plastic, I know I am going to LOVE IT! Over kan? But seriously, I love the scent! wangi sangat sampai harum satu bilik mandi. Tak payah pakai pewangi. I personally would vouched to this statement:

"...its captivating scent so divine that you will be enticed to use Marine Essence Beauty Bar everyday!"(Hai O Marketing website)
Little that I know that it has an exclusive blend of beneficial ingredients that is good for our skin.

No wonder I feel rejuvenated after shower!  

Here are some of the info.

Because there is liquorice extract, some said this beauty soap can whiten undearms or any areas that have dark spots.

Try it out!

There are 3 bars in each box which makes the purchase SO WORTH it.

Price : RM105/box - You can also get it bar or two if you do not want to buy one box.

Do call/whatsapp/sms :0173143499 - IRDA for more information or order!

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At 24 April 2013 at 21:07 , Anonymous Beauty bar said...

Its really pleasant to be here..I love to read this blog...

At 18 May 2013 at 14:49 , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you so much... it's an honor.


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