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You will when you believe!!

TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: You will when you believe!!

Sunday 2 December 2012

You will when you believe!!

The last post I wrote about the need to be positive..That night I met with a bunch of positive people with full of determination..Tak lokek memberi ilmu and share how they struggled and succeed..

Salha's giving tips to success

We work in a team!! what's to be achieved and how to achieve it is shared and discuss!! We are never alone! That's how we succeed and grow!

We ended the session with full of spirit and determination..Sangat POSITIVE and bersemangat...see how happy my face was!!

 Nurul and Me

Beloved Hanis and me

With the whole bunch of TLC members..positive vibes lead to positive minds (muka ada sedikit tersorok...haish need to improve on positioning next time!)

The positive vibes still maintained until now!!! Alhamdulillah..

Just finished my December target for both though....(Phd and business) A bit ambitious I must say...but better high than low..

I believe that,



At least we have set out plan and target, work hard for it..whether you achieve it or not, there will be no regret, cause He is the best of planners...



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