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Why you should act now??

TOP LEADERS CIRCLE (TLC) - Irda's Story: Why you should act now??

Wednesday, 5 December 2012

Why you should act now??

Why this month is the focus??

Sebab, this month is the last month of rebate for both Premium Beautiful and Biozone!!

So??? might lose a total of RM1500 - 3500 bonus for your first month income but only to earn RM3,000.

Banyak tu!! Imagine how much you need to spend for your kids to school baju skolah, registration, mind you its not cheap ok!! Kalu Little Caliphs - RM800 busuk first time..tu sorang kalu 2 dah 1600 sama tak banyak nye ngan if you take the opportunity yang hilang kalu LAMBAT grab to do this business...Lega banyak kat situ, sbb first month income - RM4500-6500!!!

Plus, we at Green Leaders Group, everything is being taught.. You give your fullest commitment, cooperation, willing to learn and change..In Shaa Allah, you will get more that what you bargain for..Not only mmg definitely, but also your personality - optimistic, positive, happy etc...

Product - SUPERBRAND, easy to sell, sebut je Premium beautiful semua pun dah tahu..senang sangat la nak jual...

Company - very stable - listed since 1996 at Bursa Malaysia and Syariah compliance securities.. maka takde issue bonus tak masuk and uncertainties...

SO please, dont let the opportunity pass by begitu sahaja...the least you can do is to just listen and understand what this business is all about and you decide from there...

Before I leave you guys...renung-renungkanlah kata-kata Prof Dr Muhaya!!

Reset minda kita!!

I couldn't agree more on what's being sad by Robert Kiyosaki (credit to Ida Amira's FB)

Pernah tak korang terfikir macam Irda skarang ni..ishhh baru je nak mampu beli rumah dah tak mampu balik sebab harga rumah yg cantik dah naik...Skarang lagi la cam tahap melampau semi D cecah 700,000 ke 1.2juta...belum lagi banglo....

So let's do it together because the beauty of this business is that we work in a TEAM
Together Everyone Achieve More..

With GLAM everything is being taught [(see this) and follow SalhaZain's instagram to show proof that we work together..]

among which....

Photo: Our business discussion for 2013 spending time with u all!! @lynnshukor @zielazari @surayakhan

Photo: Discussion with my TLC - Top Leaders Council for our next 2013 project to build more Top Leaders nad millionaire in the making..

Give me a call and we'll have a chat! Let's change to the better....

CALL/WHATSAPP: 0173143499


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